This website is dedicated to exposing and educating the public on the detrimental effects of gentrification in Fort Collins in hope of sparking change. As a photographer I intend on capturing these images to spread the awareness. Along with the photos captured there is a video and podcast as well as a written piece better detailing the mission of this site and photos.
Mara Scullion is an aspiring photojournalist who delivers photos and articles from around the world.
Mara Scullion grew up in the front range area of Colorado. She is a second year student at the Colorado State University in pursuit of a Journalism major, sociology major, an ethnic studies minor, and photo certificate. She plans to move to New York and pursue higher education at Parsons School of Design. After she completes her education she plans on becoming a political photojournalist. Gathering inspiration from photojournalists like Jacob A. Riis and Kisha Bari she hopes to evoke social change with her work. Like Riis and Bari she wants to mostly focus on photography. Creating a more just world is her goal.
In Scullion’s past she has done social work, created astounding photo series, and vigorously kept up with politics. In the summer of 2018 she traveled to Ghana Africa for a volunteer health clinic. Along with her non-profit volunteer work, she also created a collection of photos. The photos in this series are of excellent quality, astounding clarity, and full of emotion. Scullion has several other photo series ranging from political events down to simple fun photoshoots.
Scullion is always reading the news and attending political rallies and marches. She often reaches out to anyone whose voice has been silenced and helps them tell their story. At the age of 19 she has already shown how strong her work is. She believes that education is the root of all social change and hopes her work will only grow stronger through the years. Scullion has a never ending drive to work for a more just society, and she hopes her work will help create that passion in other people.